In September 1996, Cutchin Genealogy was born. Willis Cutchin Jr. and Willis Cutchin III inherited a 50-name family tree. After a few weeks of research, they concluded that there was very little information any place that was easily grasped on the Cutchin name. They decided to use the Internet as a platform to share their information in the hope of finding new contacts that would share with them. They originally didn't think much would come out of it so they put up a single page of just the Cutchin Coat of Arms. In a matter of a weeks, they had more than 10 emails alone. Thus, the site was born and would forever change what was known about the Cutchin surname.
Today, Cutchin Genealogy is still going strong with hundreds of pages, with on going research on the daily basis, and thousands of emails from around the globe. Cutchin Genealogy has become the Internet's leading portal for Cutchin information as well as the names variations. Those Original 50 names have grown to over 4000 and are growing daily.
Cutchin Genealogy looks to continue to put the Cutchin Family Tree together branch by branch and is now looking to piece together the vartations, Cutchins, Cutchen, and Cutchens. Cutchin Genealogy is also looking to piece together the families with the name world wide. So be sure to stop by often.
For more information on what Cutchin Genealogy is trying to do, click here.