Cutchin Scottish Line

The Beginning of the Name Cutchin


   1     Irish King Conn - Ceud Chathach (died 157 AD)

   4     4th in descent from Conn, Eochoid Duibhleim
           he married Scottish Princess Aileach
           (daughter of the King of Alba)

   5     3 Sons of Eochoid, Caireoll, Aodh, and Muredath
           They went to Scotland and founded the Clan Cholla

   6     Colla Uais son Erc (died 502 AD)

   7     Erc's three sons, Fergus, Lorn, and Angus

   8     Fergus came from Ireland to Scotland and founded in
           Argyllshire the Kingdom of Dalriada in Albany which became the
           Kingdom of Scotland

   9     Fergus had two sons, the oldest son Domangart was the father of
           Kenneth Macalpin.

   10    Kenneth Macalpin (King of the Scots)

   11    his son Gilledomman

   12    his son Gillebride

   13    his son Somerled, Rex Insularum
            the Somerled (Thame of Argyll) married Ragnhilis Daugther of
            Olave Red (King of Man and the Isles), Somerled Killed 1164

   14    his son Reginald (Lord of the Isles)

   15    his son Donald "de Isla" (died 1269) * Clan of Donald

   16    Donald's son Angus (Angus Og)

   17    his son John (Lord of the Isles in 1354)

   18    his son Donald of Harlow (2nd lord of the Isles) died 1423

   19    his son Alexander MacDonald became Earl of Ross his
            mother Countess of Ross (Alexander was also Justiciar of
            Scotland) he died in 1448

   20    his third son Hugh, (Chief of Sleat, founder of Clann Uisdein)
            he died in 1498
            Uisdein is the Gaelic version of Hugh.

   In 1624 Many of the MacDonald Clan families changed their names with many variants of spellings. Some of them that pertain to the Surname Cutchin are:

Mac Cutcheon

* Eventually when more people became literate, the names became Cutchin, Cutchins, Scutchins, and Mc Cutcheon

For more information on the Clan Donald - MacDonald, click here